Author: Lotlot
•5:38 PM
[Today is valentines day. A day to share, express, give, show & refresh our LOVE towards our loved ones. It's better and it's happier if we celebrate valentines day every day. So, let us try to follow these romantic checklists so that we can feel the essence of valentines day each day]

A DAILY Romantic Checklist:
-Compliment your partner.
-Spend twenty minutes of uninterrupted time together.
-Check in with each other during the day.
-Perform one small and unexpected gesture.
-Say "I love you" at least three times.
-Thank your partner for something.
-Look for romantic concepts in the newspaper.
-Take an extra minute when kissing good-bye.

A WEEKLY Romantic Checklist:
-Bring home one small, unexpected gift or present.
-Share some form of physical intimacy.
-Share an entire afternoon or evening together.
-Share two insights you gained this week.
-Write at least one little love note.
-Mail something to your partner.
-Make love!
-Plan something special for the upcoming weekend.

A MONTHLY Romantic Checklist
-Plan one romantic surprise for this month.
-Re-stock your stash of greeting cards.
-Go out to dinner once or twice.
-Rent at least two romantic movies.
-Make love several times!
-Make plans for a three-day romantic weekend sometime in the next three months.
-Plan one romantic event with a seasonal theme.

A YEARLY Romantic Checklist
-Make a New Year's resolution to be a more creative romantic.
-Make plans for your next anniversary.
-Think of an unusual way to celebrate your partner's birthday.
-Review your plans for your next vacation.
-Create a special "Romance" category in your household budget.
-Make plans for Valentine's Day well in advance

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