[I've just read this news on MSN. I'm interested about this article. It makes me think of many strange things that the world of science & technology could possibly do these days and in the years to come. Well, as long as it's for the good of everybody and as long as it wouldn't harm anyone, why not?]
British scientists make human-cow embryos
Experts assure public such experiments wouldn't result in ‘monsters’
WASHINGTON - British researchers say they have created embryos and stem cells using human cells and the egg cells of cows, but said such experiments would not lead to hybrid human-animal babies, or even to direct medical therapies.
Dr. Lyle Armstrong of Newcastle University presented preliminary data on his work to Israel's parliament last week. It has not been reviewed by other experts in the field, Newcastle University said in a statement released on Tuesday.
They said they had hollowed out the egg cells of cattle, inserted human DNA to create a growing embryo, and then taken it apart to get embryonic stem cells.
Other experts agreed such work would only be an interim step aimed at understanding the biology of embryonic stem cells — the body's ultimate master cells, which can give rise to all of the other cells and tissues.
British scientists make human-cow embryos
Experts assure public such experiments wouldn't result in ‘monsters’
WASHINGTON - British researchers say they have created embryos and stem cells using human cells and the egg cells of cows, but said such experiments would not lead to hybrid human-animal babies, or even to direct medical therapies.
Dr. Lyle Armstrong of Newcastle University presented preliminary data on his work to Israel's parliament last week. It has not been reviewed by other experts in the field, Newcastle University said in a statement released on Tuesday.
They said they had hollowed out the egg cells of cattle, inserted human DNA to create a growing embryo, and then taken it apart to get embryonic stem cells.
Other experts agreed such work would only be an interim step aimed at understanding the biology of embryonic stem cells — the body's ultimate master cells, which can give rise to all of the other cells and tissues.