•4:24 PM
Nutrition tips to improve mood, memory, muscles and more
By Joy Bauer, PARADE Magazine
Sardines For Heart Health
Ounce for ounce, sardines are one of the best sources for heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids and are extremely low in contaminants such as mercury and PCBs. They’re also eco-friendly, packed with protein, and low in saturated fat.
Brazil Nuts For Prostate Health
Brazil nuts are one of the richest food sources of selenium, a mineral that may reduce a man’s risk of developing prostate cancer. Selenium may be toxic if taken in daily doses of more than 400 micrograms (mcg).
Edamame For Mood
Mood is affected by a combination of factors, including brain chemistry, life events, and the foods you eat. Of these, only diet is under your control. Fiber-rich carbohydrates such as oats and edamame (green soybeans in the pod) help prevent mood fluctuations by keeping your blood-sugar levels steady. Edamame also contain protein, which further helps stabilize blood sugar, and omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to help combat depression.
Sesame Seeds For Sex Drive
They’re inexpensive, safe, and don’t require a prescription. They’re also very rich in the amino acid arginine, which is involved in synthesizing nitric oxide, a compound that enhances blood flow through the arteries and—ahem—to various other male body parts.
Blueberries For Memory
Did you know that much of their power lies in their color? That deep blue hue is caused by flavonoids—natural compounds that protect the brain’s memory-carrying cells (neurons) from the negative effects of oxidation and inflammation. Buy firm-fleshed berries or, off-season, try frozen, unsweetened varieties. Eat with plain yogurt, as a topping for cereal, or right out of the bowl.
Lentils For Energy
Rich in fiber and protein—both of which are digested slowly—lentils provide a steady source of energy. They’re also a good source of several B vitamins essential to energy production, as well as iron, which helps red blood cells carry oxygen. Try whipping up a big batch of lentil soup, and you’ll have a hearty lunch for days.
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