•6:18 PM

When I was a younger, I never dreamed to be rich or famous. I only wanted to live in simplicity, beauty and happiness.
Simplicity because I don't want to have a complicated life. Beauty because it's nice to feel beautiful & to live in a beautiful world - close to nature. And, happiness because I never want to be sad even in a single minute.
I'll be 27 next month. So, I evaluated my life recently; if I still have the things I only wanted before - the Simplicity, Beauty and Happiness. Luckily, I still have them all. In short, I still have the same wants.
I have dreams in life but not that very BIG; because I don't want to be disappointed if ever these dreams of mine fall. Also, I never aim too HIGH because it might just change myself to be bad - who knows?
People change...everything changes. As it's popularly known, " Change is the ONLY permanent thing in the world". But, I'll try my very best to keep the BEST part of myself - my HEART. Nevertheless, if I change or if something in me changes, that will be for the BETTER. And, if there's something that might change to worse in my life that will be physically - from the beautiful me at present to the ugly me in the future ( of course, I'll be having wrinkles in the future and I might not stand or walk straight at that time..hehehehe).
Sooner, I'll get married and have a family of my own. I'll try my very best to give my future children NOT only a better future BUT also a better mom. I'll teach them to be a better person & to be a good example to everyone. And of course, I'll introduce to them my secrets in having a good life - the SIMPLICITY, BEAUTY & HAPPINESS.

Lota, I think nothing is more beautiful than simple life.
However a lot of people want to get many stuff.
I'm assured of your future that you are going to become a good mom!