Author: Lotlot
•6:15 PM
Last year the governor in Bohol went to my grandmother's house. He went there because my grandmother called him and asked him to visit her if he had a time.

When the governor and his men arrived in my grandma's house, they knocked the door. Then, they heard a voice from grandma telling them to come, they went inside.

The caretaker of the house was shocked. How did they enter the house when she locked it? And she was even more shocked when the governor asked her where grandma was.

Why? Because grandma has already died. She died two months before the local election in 2007.

So, the caretaker told the governor that grandma died last 2007. But the gov didn't believe her.

Why? it was because grandma was the one who called the governor in his office asking him to visit her and it was grandma who told them to come inside the house ( Well, they didn't see grandma, but they heard her.)

The governor really insisted that it was grandma who called him and who told them to come inside in that he recognized grandma's voice.

Anyway, grandma was the captain in our barangay for many years before she died. It was only her death which stopped her from being the captain.

Until now, I'm still wondering why it happened?
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