•4:55 PM

Yesterday, Uncle Rolando died. He was my father's brother. My sister informed me via text message about his death yesterday morning. The news was not shocking to me because I knew that uncle's health condition has been worse since I was in college.
Tatay Andaw ( as how I called him before) was a very smart man. Every time the family encountered problems and every time the family had to make big decisions, Tatay Andaw was the one who sought for the solutions and who made great suggestions, respectively. In short, he was the brain of the family.
Pacaldo clan is big, united and strong. It's the most influential family in our place. When my grandpa died as well as his siblings, the clan has still remained strong and united. It's a very big family, so the majority of the people in my place are my relatives, especially that my grandma's clan is big too and most of them are living in the same place.
When my grandpa died, it was Tatay Andaw (Uncle Rolando) who replaced him as the head and brain of the family. My parents together with the other members of the family (with my grandma, of course) used to have a meeting every week. They talked about family matters, as well as politics in that most of the members in the family are politicians.
Politics runs in the blood of the family. There's always pressure in the family during elections because they are opponents. However, it has still remain strong and happy. Whatever happens during the election is buried and forgotten after the event.
Like for example, last election my father together with his two siblings and many cousins ran for the same position. So, it was kinda difficult. For weeks, we had to be patient with some hearsays. When my father won as well as his siblings and some cousins, everyone was very happy. Everyone celebrated. And, everyone forgot what had happened.
Going back to the topic, I don't know the whole story yet about Tatay Andaw's death. So, I have to find it out on Sunday. Although his burial is on the 27th of February, I'm going home on Sunday.
I last saw him last December 20o8 when I went home for a Christmas vacation. We weren't able to talk much because my family and I went to the island - Isla Mahanay. Nevertheless, I was able to kiss his hand. We came across in the street. He was on his way to our house. Unfortunately, I and my family were on our way to the island so we weren't able to talk much.
He thanked me for the present that I gave him. He also told me that grandma was very happy because she liked the gift that I gave her. As far as I can remember, he was very happy at that time. He wore a decent clothes. He looked very handsome. I have never thought that it would be our last time to talk.
It hurt me every time I saw his condition. He had no children. His wife ( Nanay Mining) died years ago.He was lame so he could hardly walk. He had to use a cane. Moreover, he could hardly breath. Something was wrong with his lungs. When Nanay Mining died, he was always sent to the hospital. Nonetheless, his condition had been better since 2005.
Although his death wasn't shocking to me, there are still questions in my mind about his death that are unanswered. Since I started working last 2004, I haven't received any news that he was confined in the hospital again.
Thus, when they informed me about his death yesterday, I felt strange. I felt I wasn't ready yet. But I have no choice, he has passed away. If I only knew his real health condition, I would have spent much time with him when I went home last December.
Tay Andaw, I miss you! Wherever you are now, I hope you're happy. You're with Nanay Mining now. I'm sure you're now living together in heaven. I love you, Tay. You just don't know how much I LOVE YOU!