•3:36 PM

Do you like watching science-fiction movies? If YES, so do I. I really like watching science-fiction movies, because these involve fantasy and horror which are my favorites too; likewise, because strange things or creatures, like aliens, parahumans, etc. interest me.
Have you seen parahumans? A parahuman is a human-animal hybrid. If you haven't seen any yet, you better watch the movie " Prince Caspian- The Chronicles of Narnia". This is a very nice movie, and you can see lots of parahumans in it.
I know that parahumans exist only on paintings, books or movies, thus I was shocked when I read the news about the possible existence of parahumans.
According to the news, scientists in Britain have been granted permission to create human-animal hybrid embryos by injecting human DNA into cows' eggs for stem cell research.
Instead of using human eggs, the researchers will remove the nuclei from cows' eggs and replace them with cells from the patients to create cloned stem cell lines that contain the same genetic mutation that results in these neurological disorders.
The hybrid embryo would be 99.9 percent human. The only bovine element would be found in DNA outside the nucleus of the cell.
Moreover, the scientists said the hybrid human-bovine embryos could prove useful in pursuing treatments to prevent Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's, as well as spinal cord injuries, diabetes and arthritis.
However, the proposal has appalled critics of stem cell research, who slam the idea of creating so-called "chimera" (see: Chimera (genetics)) embryos as an unethical and potentially dangerous practice.
Well, the thought of having parahuman neighbors, colleagues or presidents, etc. excites me. If in case the existence of parahumans is possible, the existence of all the strange creatures in science-fiction movies will be possible too.
But one thing I'm sure of, there will be advantages and disadvantages of parahuman existence. Whatever these are, I'll just wait; and, I'm hoping that there will be more advantages than disadvantages.
Thus, I think having intelligent minds and inventing new technologies are at times hazardous.