•4:24 PM

Last night I watched a documentary about human trafficking that is still happening in our country. I felt pity to the victims of this crime because most of them were still very young (ages 12-17 years old) and they came from remote areas. Thus, they were easily victimized by the recruiters/ human traffickers, especially that they're very poor, naive and innocent as well as their parents.
If only the economy of the country is very good and if only education is easy to get, probably human trafficking wouldn't exist.
But I'm thankful to the people in media who keep on televising this crime because it helps the people in the remote areas to be aware about this, on the other hand for the recruiters to stop doing the crime.
Human trafficking is one of the worst realities in the country. I just hope little by little the people would be educated about this; on the other side, the recruiters/ human traffickers would be sent to jail....for this crime to disappear.