•4:10 PM

It is raining cats and dogs today so I am wearing my favorite jacket here in the office. Since it's my favorite, I took a picture with it 2 hours ago...hehe..
The weather is kinda strange. It rained very hard this morning; but, it was hot in the early afternoon. Now. it's raining again. Is this the result of global warming?
The unexpected change of the weather made me sick and caught a cold last week. I'm having a cough as well because of it. I really don't like to have a cough in that it disturbs me when I have lessons.
Anyways, I'm hoping for a good weather because I am going to wash my clothes tomorrow and I"m going to SM Supermarket to pay bills.
take care in the rains and if you want to avoid getting cold often do this. Take a glass of milk and add about half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and boil it .Strain the milk now and drink it . Do this whenever you have cold.
hey are you there in gtalk my id is vivekbhatt7@gmail.com