Last December 2006-February 2007, I taught English to Koreans who went here in the Philippines to learn English and to have a vacation while it was still winter in their country. Although my students were still young ( ages 12-25 years old) but they were all smart, respectful and very attentive & participative to the lesson. Each day was a memorable one for both teachers and students. Because it's not only learning was there but also fun, games , laughters and bonding.
Days past and the winter in their country was over, so they needed to go back home and to continue their studies. In our last day of teaching, we had a party. We gave presents to our students, on the other hand the students gave us cards and letters. We all enjoyed the party. We ate, laughed and talked. In short, we were all very happy.
But, when the time to say "goodbye " came... the happiness and laughters were replaced with sadness and tears. The students were crying because they didn't want to leave us. They hugged us tightly and they sobbed in our shoulders. So, I and my co-teachers were not able to hold back our tears...and we all cried.
Saying " goodbye " to the students is the hardest part in teaching English as Secondary Language (ESL) via vis-a-vis. It's really very hard because you gonna miss them.
I really can't forget my Korean students until now as well as my co-teachers in Elite Academy. How I wish we'd see each other again one day?