•4:17 PM

I've watched a news on TV that perfumes are not good for the body because of its strong & harmful chemical substance. Moreover, my mom keeps on telling me that I have to minimize or stop from using it because it might harm my body. I don't know but I wasn't convinced by both ( TV news & my mom) to stop using perfumes everyday. Maybe because I consider 'em as part of my life.
My addiction to perfumes started when I was still in grade school. At that time, I was only using colognes or mild scents; but, as I grew older I began using strong scents. And, from one bottle of perfume every month it increased to two or three bottles. In fact, I cannot anymore count how many bottles of perfumes I've used eversince I was addicted to it.
Recently, I started using mild scents because I'm now a little bit concern with my health. Besides, I don't want to die earlier than what is expected. Look at the attached photo...those are my perfumes...mild scents, right?