•6:25 PM

Years past and I began working. Thus, right after I received my first salary, I bought directly a new pair of sandals. What was in my mind at that time was the fulfillment of my dream, longing & crave for sandals.
Now, it's been 3 years since I started working. So, I now have more than 60 pairs of sandals. For, I buy 1 0r 2 pairs of sandals every month. But these sandals are not all in my hands because I have 4 sisters, so once I don't like the sandals anymore I give them to my mom or to my sisters; yet, it's fine with me. Moreover, I'm very happy because at last I can now buy any pair of sandals i like.
Recently, I counted my sandals and there's only 14 pairs left. I'm planning to have a collection of sandals. So, I'll try not to give all the sandals I bought...
Do you think i can do it?
hmmnnn..i hope so...