•4:33 PM

I was having my breakfast when I remembered my gormandizer neighbor. I didn't use to eat breakfast, I only had a cup of coffee instead. But this morning, I have eaten breakfast because my brother was there; in that, we are having the same work schedule this week, 2:00-10:00pm.
As I was eating, I unintentionally remembered my gormandizer neighbor. I have remembered her because I didn't feel like eating breakfast. I told myself, " How I wish I was a gormandizer so that I'd like to eat breakfast?". However, I'm really trying my best to always eat breakfast as it is good for our health.
Unexpectedly, the food per meal of my gormandizer neighbor is equivalent to the food for five men. She really eats and drinks excessively. Imagine, she usually has 3 loaves of bread with 3 liters of coke for snacks. Take note: she's not yet full with that; but, she stops eating because she has only a little budget for snacks. Even though she eats voraciously, she's not fat. I think she has an abnormal metabolic process. Whatever the reason is, I really can't do what she can when it comes to eating and drinking.
Anyhow, a gormandizer is a greedy person or a person who eats or drinks gluttonously. How about you, do you know anyone who is a gormandizer?