•2:33 PM

You may be wondering what Pesiao Liner is? It's the name of the bus liner owned by a relative of mine. He's my relative because he's a cousin of my mother. I haven't seen and met him yet in person. So, I can never recognize him for sure if I happen to come across him.
When I attended my uncle's burial, I have ridden the bus of Pesiao Liner. An hour before I got off from the bus, the conductor has asked me why I went in Tuburan? So, I told him that I attended the burial of my uncle. His eyes turned big as he said, " You're Pesiao? Sorry, I haven't recognized you. It's my first time to see you, I think.". I smiled and replied, " Yes, I am. You haven't recognized me because I rarely visit here.".
Anyway, I'm telling you this story because I want to share a lesson from this. The lesson is, it's good to mingle with our relatives when we have time so that we'll not be strangers from each other forever. On the other hand, I've noticed that we can gain more respect if we're connected to wealthy people; so, how much more if we're the ones who are rich or wealthy?
Before I forget, my complete name is Lota Pesiao Pacaldo De Guzman.